E171: Lock yourself up and pump your ass for Me!

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E171: Lock yourself up and pump your ass for Me!

*This is a custom clip with no names used.
“Hello Beautiful Mistress Jessica. I am weak to your divine ass. Could you make a custom clip where you wear skintight jeans and instruct me to inflate my asshole with an inflatable butt-plug and pump it up beyond my limits ( 40-50 pumps).
I have to wear my chastity cage throughout the whole video. The point is to train my pathetic slut-hole, stretch it out while you encourage me to pump up the inflatable butt-plug bigger and bigger as you tease me with your gorgeous ass.
The challenge for me is to pump up the inflatable butt-plug until I start to leak in my chastity cage by the enormous pressure on my prostate. But you won’t stop there. A little leaky in my chastity cage is not enough and won’t satisfy your amusement so you instruct me to deflate the pump and start inflating again. I have to inflate my slut-hole again beyond my limits (40-60 pumps) until i start to leak in my cage again I have to do this several times.
You instruct me throughout the video to take other positions by standing or sitting on a chair or squad down while I inflate my slut-hole. By this process I am stretching out my pathetic slut-hole for your amusement. You remind me that being caged is the best for me and a little leaky ass-gasm is the best I can get.
By the end of this video my Slut-hole is absolutely stretched out and I have to say “thank you Mistress Jessica for this privilege”. Be very mean and dominant.” 
Video length: 00:13:42

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E171: Lock yourself up and pump your ass for Me!


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